Beloved Preschool Fountain is Restored

Beloved Preschool Fountain is Restored
July 16, 2024 – Back to school…already? Yes! The Community Center Preschool of La Canada Flintridge is ready to go back to school! And so are its preschoolers, who are eager to start a fun-filled year of play, exploration, learning and social development.
“Our entire staff has been busy this summer, preparing to welcome our new and returning preschoolers,” says Director Danielle Caputo. “We are very proud of our creative curriculum, enrichment programs and outdoor play space. This past year, with the help of renowned artist and former CCLCF Ceramics Department Director, Miriam Balcazar, we restored our beloved interactive water feature with a new tile mosaic. We also freshened up the landscaping around the fountain with beautiful pebble ground cover. The kids are going to love it!”
The award-winning preschool is an extension of the Community Center of La Canada Flintridge and offers families a variety of half-day program options for children ages 3-5. Families can select from two-, three- or five-day class options for their children as well as extended care. At the preschool, teachers strive to provide a lively, safe and nurturing atmosphere with a wide variety of age-appropriate activities to promote social, intellectual, physical and emotional development.
The Community Center Preschool of LCF is supported by an active parent board, which coordinates volunteers and fundraising for the school’s social and community events. For this fall, the parent board is already busy organizing music and gardening classes, planning special visits from marine animals and beloved storybook characters, and scheduling a great pumpkin delivery for the annual pumpkin patch.