Cornhole Tournament a Hit

Cornhole Tournament a Hit
May 4, 2024 – Our 1st Annual Cornhole Tournament and Chili Cook-off brought together friends, families, and chili enthusiasts for a day filled with friendly competition and mouthwatering flavors. Attendees got to taste a wide variety of chilis before voting for their favorite. Chili Cookoff Winners were: 1st Place: Pam Stumbaugh, 2nd place: Todd Andrews and 3rd Place: Ted Smudde. The tournament, which was run by the California Cornhole Association, included 25 teams. Tournament winners “Team SMP” received trophies and $100 gift cards to Trader Joe’s. Attendees also enjoyed a beer tasting from Audio Graph Craft Beer Company and a street taco lunch from Nana’s Kitchen.
Executive Director Betsy Ferguson said the event was about more than fundraising. “We hope that the Community Center will become the hub for social and education opportunities in LCF and surrounding communities,” she said. “Our goal was to create a fun, hometown event that everyone can look forward to year after year.”
Neighborhood sponsor Seniors Helping Seniors received a custom logo’d cornhole board to take home. Partner sponsors included Crescenta Cañada Pet Hospital, USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, and Supervisor Kathryn Barger.
Proceeds from the event will go towards CCLCF’s scholarship program.