Community Cares – Holiday Angels

Community Cares – Holiday Angels

We need your help for our Holiday Angels Volunteer Opportunity!
We have partnered with The Living Beauty Cancer Foundation and Small Acts Big Change to provide boxes of hope to those who have a woman in their family going through cancer treatment over the holidays.
The Living Beauty Cancer Foundation provides free wellness and support services to women with cancer. Each holiday, women who are struggling financially apply for holiday assistance and volunteers assemble the packages. Donors provide gift cards for these women to purchase gifts for their families as well as a gift card for a holiday meal. In addition, Living Beauty includes a special gift for each woman.
We will be assembling approximately 100 of these boxes on Tuesday, December 3rd from 4:00 – 5:00 PM. In addition, volunteers will be invited to write notes of support to women undergoing cancer treatment.
For more information on The Living Beauty Cancer Foundation, please contact Executive Director Nancy Davidson at and follow them on Facebook & Instagram: livingbeautyorg
Thank you for your support of women with cancer this holiday season!